Banners Mall – Animated Banner GIFs served Hot here!!!

Not so long ago, Banners where just a big roadside hoarding showing off a product to people passing by, bigger the banner, higher the people who view it, but higher the cost and lots of time wasted on unproductive works. In this digital universe Animated Banners GIFs, the game changer, has today empowered marketers to widen their medium of visibility and hence their reach.
An Animated Web Banners GIF or Graphic Interchange Format is typically a frame that contains multiple images or texts (customised to requirement) and they carry .gif file extension. So, in a single GIF file the viewer sees a continuous transition between different images or frames thus producing a sense of being in- motion. Unlike a static GIF where there is only one frame an Animated GIF customarily will have multiple frames which will keep changing and hence giving flexibility in the content to the marketers.
Web banner designs using GIF first appeared on the marketing scenes in 1987 when Steve Wilhite, then working for CompuServe, introduced Banner designs with a simple Bitmap image format. He used black and white colour since these were the only two colours available at that time. Through time, the colours available have gone up to 256 colours for each image or frame in the GIF file. Today, with the explosion of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram etc creating GIF have become the popular medium for marketers to advertise their offerings. For really relevant Banner designs, Animated banners GIFs are used extensively because it’s more engaging and fetching but then there is also a huge application of the single frame or static GIFs for specific ad campaign.
A GIF conveys more than a picture and it takes considerably lesser time than creating a video. They are also easier to create than any other medium of Visual media. For a marketer, a GIF can be used in places videos cannot be used due to restriction in the size of the files. That’s because .gif files are relatively very lean files. Marketers can use GIF to display their product suite or evolve stories by using Animated Banner GIFs. GIF gives unlimited placement option and marketing strategies can be enlarged for reachability or adjusted of targeted audience. A seasonal campaign, a hastily planned initiative or seeking feedback from the viewer for their research GIF gives the marketer much needed bridge to reach out to their prospective audience.  For a viewer, GIF are marvellous since they are easy to comprehend, they can view it on their mobile phones, and interesting since marketers, as a part of their marketing strategy, make their GIFs interactive.
Designing GIFs is really very simple and doesn’t really require the use of super computers to get the required output. All that’s required are images adhering to certain standard qualities (else the images will not get displayed properly once converted to a GIF) and a fitting content. Once the template is decided then input these images and content, input the transitions, save the content and name the banner design. The Banner is now ready to be downloaded as a GIF format and choice of 256 colours.

If social media has leapt the netizens worldwide even closer together, then GIFs has allowed the pictures convey countless words. That why the all-pervasive phrase – LET’s GIF… LET’s BannersMall
